Police warn of sick raccoons and risk to pets in Michigan


Sick Raccoon in Michigan

OTTAWA COUNTY, MI – A cluster of sick raccoons has prompted police in Grand Haven to issue an alert for dog owners regarding canine distemper.

Officers with the Grand Haven Department of Public Safety have responded to reports of five sick raccoons in the past “few weeks,” according to a news release sent by the department. It’s believed they were infected with canine distemper, a disease that can infect dogs as well as cats with a feline version. Vaccinations are available to prevent distemper in pets.

Because raccoons are nocturnal, those seen during daytime hours could be ill, especially if they appear disoriented and show no fear of humans, according to a fact sheet shared by the department.

Because raccoons are nocturnal, those seen during daytime hours could be ill, especially if they appear disoriented and show no fear of humans, according to a fact sheet shared by the department.

Because the disease can be transferred to dogs and other wildlife, it’s important to avoid sick animals and to contact law enforcement if one is hanging around. It’s advised calling local law enforcement or for a conservation officer, at who can euthanize the sick animal.

The Grand Haven Department of Public Safety provided these pieces of advice:

· Do not approach a sick animal, even if it seems docile or tame.

· Keep your dog on a leash during walks.

· Don’t leave dog food outside or feed wildlife. Take down bird feeders that seem to attract raccoons.

· If you have a sick raccoon in your yard, keep pets inside and call police.

· Make sure your pets are vaccinated.

Distemper cannot be transferred to humans, but it is highly contagious to some other animals.

Symptoms of distemper in raccoons include wandering outside during daylight, slow movement or stumbling, lack of fear of humans, appearing to be blind or confused, and suffering from mucous discharge around eyes and nose, coughing, vomiting and tremors. Infected animals can become aggressive if cornered.

The disease is transferred through aerosol droplets through sneezing, direct contact and possibly contact with contaminated objects. It’s also believed distemper can be transferred through contact with feces or urine of an infected animal, according to the Grand Haven fact sheet. Read Full Article